I loved being in a rural setting for this particular
rotation because I got to see and do A LOT. We were outpatient in the clinic,
inpatient on the floor, in the emergency room, and in the operating room (minor
procedures). The perk of being an internist in a rural setting is that you have
so much autonomy in practice and so much respect by your patients. There is a
scarce number of specialists around, so sometimes you have to try to be their
specialist. I also loved the patient population in the clinic/hospital that I
was rotating in. They were all so incredibly sweet, willing to share their
personal and medical stories, and allowed me to practice my clinic skills on
them. Plus, I learned so much beyond medicine. I learned about the patient’s
personal lives, their hobbies, coal mining, bee keeping, and so much more. This
allowed me to build a better understanding of my patient’s daily lives and why
they do what they do. My preceptor would frequently try to freak my patients
out before I performed a procedure on them (such as a joint injection or venipuncture),
but they were all so welcoming and were so willing to let me practice on them!
My typical week was Monday-Thursday 9am-5/6pm. I remember
walking into the clinic on my first day and my preceptor was currently in a
room with the patient. He walked out of the room, introduced himself, and
immediately sent me off to see the first patient on my own. This threw me for a
loop, but I learned to LOVE this. He never gave me the opportunity to hesitate.
He helped me get out of my comfort zone and grow as a provider. I saw all the
patients on my own. I would either report a summarized explanation of the
patient’s visit or we would discuss the patient’s concerns in the room with the
patient in front of us. I ended up performing venipunctures daily,
intramuscular injection, intra-articular joint injections, ear canal
irrigations, and EKGs. In the operating room, they let me perform a lot of the
procedures. We removed skin lesions, cleaned abscesses, removed ingrown
toenails, and performed joint injections.
Did I have
assignments? Occasionally. He frequently had me go home and look up things
that we saw that day. I ended up creating a document for all my notes of things
I learned throughout the rotation. He also assigned me to do research on
obstructive and restrictive pulmonary disease. I typed up a word document on
pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnostics, and treatments.
Did he pimp me?
OH YES. Daily. I remember my first question was: What percent of blood flow
goes to the kidneys? And…the question was in front of a patient. Thankfully I
guessed the right number (don’t know how in the world I did that).
Overall impression:
It was a
GREAT rotation! Currently, I do not see myself working in internal medicine,
however I am definitely still open to it! I would love to work at the hospital
I rotated at, however I don’t see myself staying in West Virginia after I
graduate. As I described above, I loved the autonomy my PA had and how much
trust the other providers had in him as well. I loved that I had this rotation
in a rural setting. Personally, I wish I would have been able to see more of
the inpatient side of internal medicine, however I am very thankful for ALL
that I was able to see! Being in four different areas of medicine during one
rotation was pretty awesome!!
Personal tips for Internal Medicine:
Try your best! Internal medicine is a lot, but all
you can do it learn from it. It will provide you with a lot of growth
personally and medically. Go into the room and try to get a detailed history
and physical exam.
Practice your clinical
skills! Internal
medicine is a great opportunity to practice your skills. Feel thyroids even if
there is no thyroid complaint. Listen to the heart and lungs to between
understand normal from abnormal. Practice diabetic foot exams on diabetic
patients. Be bold and ask if you can perform the venipuncture or IV insertion.
If you don’t know something, tell your
preceptor that you will look it up and get back to them, and actually do it!
Carry your Maxwell Guide pocket guide with you. This helped me a lot! It was a
great reference for admit notes, discharge notes, procedure notes, normal lab
values, and so much more.
Like podcasts? Check out Curbsiders!
One of the best pieces
of advice I received is: The patient/parents don’t know if they are your
first patient or you 1000th patient, so act like it’s your 1000th.
Walk in with confidence, obtain a detailed history, and do your best to perform
a detailed physical exam. Every patient is a learning opportunity.
How should I prepare walking into my first
day of internal medicine?
Be open minded. Internal medicine is a lot. Go
in the first day and just do your best. Take a detailed history and physical
exam. If you don’t know something, that is okay! It is a great rotation to
learn from!
Is it really the hardest EOR?
I believe everyone has a different area of
medicine that they struggle with. I have heard a variation of answers of which
EOR is the hardest. At one point, I have probably heard each EOR once as the
hardest one. Personally, I did about the same on my internal medicine and
pediatrics EORs. Find my study tips below J
What type of patients did you see?
Most of our patients were very complex and
usually had HTN, hyperlipidemia, COPD, and type II DM. Want a list of what I
saw? Check out the end of this blog!
How was being in a rural area?
Initially, I was nervous. I grew up and have
always lived in fast pace, busy areas. Moving to Charleston, WV was already a big
change for me so I was nervous as to what a rural area was going to be like.
However, I loved it. The location was about 50 minutes away from where I lived.
The patient population was amazing and I learned so much about how they lived
life and why. I also got to learn a lot about the history and culture of the
area I was located in.
What was your favorite part?
I LOVED PROCEDURE DAYS! Being in the operating
room was so much fun. I loved everything about it. Also, I just loved that I
got to explore multiple aspects of medicine. We had a pretty wild day in the ER
where we saw two drug overdoses, intubation, central line placement, posterior
shoulder dislocation, humeral head fracture, and so much more.
What was one of the hardest things?
the learning curve was steep. I realized there is still so much I don’t know,
but it was great because I got to learn so much! It was initially hard for me
to face the fact that I really don’t know as much as I thought, however I grew
thankful of this. We are constantly learning from medicine and always will be.
I was asked to leave the room by two patients. This was tough to handle because
it made me feel incompetent. However, I learned not to take it personally! It
wasn’t due to me, but just due to the fact that they wanted to speak with their
personal provider alone. Unfortunately, I think this is something that we will
continually face as mid-level providers in medicine and all we can do is just
keep moving forward.
End of Rotation Exam (EORs)
To study for my EOR exam, I make a study guide that followed
the internal medicine blueprint and topic list. I also used ROSH Review for
practice question and a practice exam. To me, ROSH IS WORTH IT. I think it has
been SO helpful in EORs. I used resources such as PANCE Prep Pearls,
SmartyPance, ROSH Review, and my lecture notes to obtain the material for my
study guides. I typically spent the first two weeks creating my study guide. I
spent the last two to three weeks reviewing the material. I would take my ROSH
practice test about a week before my EOR date to see the areas that I needed to
focus on. A helpful hint is to try to review a topic per day just to stay on
top of information.
What I Saw:
Otitis Media (Middle Ear Infection)
Otitis Externa (Infection of canal)
Allergic rhinitis (including allergic shiners!)
Crohns Disease
Small Bowel Obstruction
Gastro-esophageal Reflux (GERD)
Hiatal Hernia
Celiac Disease
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Hepatitis C
Musculoskeletal (MSK)/Rheumatology
Posterior shoulder dislocation
Humeral head fracture
Medial Epicondylitis
Low back pain (A LOT!)
Herniated Lumbar Disc
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Polymyalgia Rheumatica
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Restless Leg Syndrome
AV Malformation Aneurysm
Migraine Headache
Essential Tremor
Coal Worker’s Pneumoconiosis (Black Lung)
Bacterial Pneumonia
Allergic Dermatitis
Dyshidrotic Eczema
Diabetic ulcers
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Seb Keratosis
Acrochordon (skin tag)
Dysplastic Nevi
Epidermal Inclusion Cyst
Onychocryptosis (Ingrown toenail)
Plantar Wart
Foreign Body
Acute Cystitis (UTI)
Prostate Cancer
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)
Erectile Dysfunction
Stress Incontinence
General Anxiety Disorder
Sleep disorders
Type I and II Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)
Myocardial Infarction (MI)
Atrial Fibrillation
Atrial Flutter
Atrial Bigeminie
Aortic Stenosis
Mitral Regurgitation
Viral Myocarditis
Congestive Heart Failure
Peripheral Arterial Disease
Peripheral Vascular Disease
Factor V Leiden
Iron Deficiency
B12 Deficiency
Folate Deficiency
Great post.
I’m recommending Dr Godday to everyone who have herpes virus to get the cure from him. I was diagnose of genital herpes in 2015 and i have been searching and asking questions to see if i could get something to cure the disease because i did not believe what the doctors say that no cure is found yet. I came across a comment on Youtube and the person testify how she was cured from herpes and hpv after using Dr Godday herbal medicine. I quickly contact Dr email and explain my problem to him and he prepare the herbs and send it to me through courier and gave me instructions on how to use it and tell me to go for checkup after usage which i did after two weeks of taken the herbal medicine and my result was NEGATIVE. I waited another month and retested the result was still NEGATIVE and my doctor told me that am completely free from herpes. Am so happy and grateful to Dr Godday for what he has done for me and i will continue to share this for people out there to know that there is cure for herpes. You can contact Dr Godday on email and WhatsApp to get the cure from him. Email:goddayspiritualhome@gmail.com Or Call/What’s-app +1{919}4956404.
DeleteFirst, I want to complement this page administrator for creating this platform for us to express our feelings. Herpes is a serious and recurring disease which can't be cured through drugs or injections by the American doctors but the best way to deal with herpes is by taking natural herbs medicine from DR. ISHIAKU the greatest herbalist doctor in the world and is only few American doctors that know about this herbal medicine from Dr ISHIAKU .. I have read about Dr ISHIAKU the great herbalist doctor from African who can cure disease with his powerful herbal medicine. for the people suffering from the following diseases, Herpes,HIV/Aids, Cancer, Also, Hepatitis, Diabetes, Hpv, Infections ETC should contact him for his herbal medicine because i am a living testimony and i was cured of herpes. Although, i sent him what he requested and he sent me his medicine through DHL courier delivery company which i took for some days and today when i went for test, i was tested herpes negative. you can reach him through his email: ishiakuherbalcure@gmail.com WhatsApp him at +2348180828544
Deletethis is unbelievable i have be suffering for Herpes Infection Dr.Edidia who helped me in my life, i want to inform the public how i was cured from Herpes Infection by Dr.Edidia,i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the symptoms disease and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on Herpes infection and i saw so many blogs comment of people talking about how Dr Edidia cured them.so i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that i took and it seriously worked for me,experiencing changes all over me as the great Dr.Edidia assured me that i have been cured,after some time i went to the doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE,my Herpes infection out negative.my prayer for Dr Edidia am cured you can also get your self and friends i will advise if you have any sickness at all you can contact now:dredidiaherbalhome@gmail.com or cell whatsapp number:+2349126592869
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Herpes is a serious and recurring disease which can't be cured through drugs or injections by the American doctors but the best way to deal with Herpes is by taking natural herbs medicine for it, I have read about DR JAMES the great herbalist doctor who cure me from herpes with his powerful herbal medicine. I contacted him to know how he can help me and he told me never to worry
ReplyDeletethat he will help me with the natural herbs from God!
After 2 days of contacting him, he told me that the cure has been ready and
he sent it to me via UPS SPEED POST and it got to me after 3 days!
i used the medicine as he instructed me (MORNING and EVENING) and i was
it's really like a dream but I am so happy! for the people suffering from the following disease Alzheimer’s disease,Bechet’s disease,Crohn’s disease,Parkinson's disease,Schizophrenia,Lung Cancer,Breast Cancer,Colo-Rectal Cancer,Blood Cancer,Prostate Cancer,siva.Fatal Familial Insomnia Factor V Leiden Mutation ,Epilepsy Dupuytren's disease,Desmoplastic small-round-cell tumor Diabetes ,Coeliac disease,Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease,Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Ataxia,Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity
Syndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans ProgresS sclerosis,Seizures,Alzheimer's disease,Adrenocortical carcinoma.Asthma,Allergic diseases.Hiv_ Aids,Herpe ,Copd,Glaucoma., Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Lung disease.Enlarged prostate,Osteoporosis.Alzheimer's disease,
,Cushing’s disease,Heart failure,Multiple Sclerosis,Hypertension,Colo_Rectal Cancer,Lyme Disease,Blood Cancer,Brain Cancer,Breast Cancer,Lung Cancer,Kidney Cancer, HIV, Herpes,Hepatitis B, Liver Inflammatory,Diabetes,Fibroid,
should contact him for his herbal medicine because i am a living testimony and i was cured of herpes and his medicine is legit. I sent him what he requested and he sent me his medicine which I took for 2 good weeks and today I am out here with a negative result. When I went for the test I was so happy after taking his herbal medication I paid homage to his country to celebrate with him on his African festival which he told me it usually happens every year. you can reach him through VIA E-mail drjamesherbalmix@gmail.com or whatsapp number:+2348152855846
I am here to express my profound warm gratitude to the herbal medicine, which I got from Dr. Imoloa. I am now living a healthy life since the past 6 months. I am now a genital herpes virus free after the herbal medication I got from him. You can contact him for your medication Via his email- drimolaherbalmademedicine@gmail.com/ whatsapp +2347081986098/ website www.drimolaherbalmademedicine.wordpress.com
ReplyDeleteI've been suffering from this herpes virus disease for a long time,and I've had some variants of this Herpes virus.This has brought me a lot of trouble, on many levels, especially with my partners, and this has given me a lot of self-consciousness.25 years of suffering outbreaks is a long time, I've had depression and I've felt the rejection of many people, who are suffering from it know what I'm talking about.As you know, pharmacological medicine does not provide any adequate solution to eradicate this disease, it only mitigates the symptoms until the next outbreak.However, about a month ago I discovered some useful information that helped me in a few weeks to make my herpes disappear naturally after taking DR James herbal mix medicine .Today I am grateful to Doctor James herbal mix medicine that has given me back a normal life.Today I can say that: I am a new person, or rather, I am back to being a person without complexes because of this silent and complex hell that is herpes.If you don't suffer from herpes, well risky you are, but if you suffer it I invite you to contact this genuine powerful herbal healer called Dr james. Herpes is a serious and recurrent condition that cannot be cured by drugs or injections by US doctors, but the best way to fight against herpes is to take natural herbal remedies, I red about DR JAMES, the great herbalist who cures people of herpes virus with his powerful herbal medicine. I contacted him to find out how he could help me and he told me never to be afraid that he would help me with the natural herbs medicine! After 2 days of contacting him he told me the medicine is ready and he sent it to me via DHL COURIER SERVICE and it got me in 3 days! I used the medication as he prescribed for me (MORNING and EVENING) and was cured! It's really like a dream, but I'm so happy! For people suffering from the following diseases,Diabetes, cancer,Pcos, hypothyroidism, Herpes, COPD, HIV, arthritis, Hpv, infections, liver disease, autoimmune diseases, Parkinson's disease, Lupus and more should contact him for his herbal medicine, because I am a living witness and I was cured of herpes virus. and DR James medicine is legitimate and 100 percent works. I sent him what he asked for and he sent me his medication which I took for 21 days and today I am here with a negative result. When I went for the test, I was so happy after I took his herbal mix medicine.
Email: drjamesherbalmix@gmail.com
WhatsApp +2348152855846
Here my second topixs of testifying DR JAMES, my name remains SUSSAN MORIS. I will never stop testifying DR JAMES HERBAL MIX, Happiness is all I see now I never thought that I will be cured from HIV virus again. DR JAMES did it for me. I have been suffering from a deadly disease (HIV) for the past 2 years now, I have spent a lot of money going from one place to another, from churches to churches, hospitals have been my home every day. Constant checks up have been my hobby not until this faithful day, I saw a testimony on how DR JAMES HERBAL MIX MEDICINE helped someone in curing his HIV disease in internet quickly I copied his email which is drjamesherbalmix@gmail.com just to give him a test I spoke to him, he asked me to do some certain things which I did, he told me that he is going to provide the herbal cure to me, which he did, then he asked me to go for medical checkup after some days, after using the herbal cure and I did, behold I was free from the deadly disease, till now no HIV in me again he only asked me to post the testimony through the whole world, faithfully am doing it now, all the testimony of DR JAMES HERBAL MIX MEDICINE is true please BROTHER and SISTER, MOTHER and FATHER he is great, I owe him in return. If you are having a similar problem just email him on drjamesherbalmix@gmail.com or you can whatsApp his mobile number on +2348152855846 He can also cure this diseases like HIVand AIDS, HERPES, DIABETES, HEPATITIS B ABC, FLU, CANCER, GONORRHEA, LASSA FEVER, GONORRHEA, MENOPAUSE DISEASE, DISEASE SKIN, LOW COUNT SPERM.ETC.please email drjamesherbalmix@gmail.com...or whatAPPhim .+2348152855846 he is a real good and honest man.
ReplyDeleteFINALLY FREE FROM HERPES VIRUS. what a miracle i never believe there is cure because my doctor tested me herpes positive and she told me there is no cure, i’m very happy today that i’m having a free life without this herpes virus, i can remember some months ago when i was crying all through the night and day that i can’t get cured from this herpes, i found this herbal man called Dr Adigba on internet when i was doing research on cure for shingle i contacted him to found out if i can get help from this herpes virus, i was so surprise when he told me that he have the herbs cure to it and he sent me the herbal in less down 5 days i was so happy when i get someone giving me hope that he can cured me i took the herbal for just 2 weeks, when i went for test after taking the herbal i found out that i am cured i was so happy and surprise, i want to use this opportunity to inform you that there is cured to herpes virus you can also contact him for his help as soon as possible so that you can get rid of this herpes once and for all you can reach him through this email: dradigba@gmail.com or whatsApp him on +2348077875210 You can also contact him on any disease and virus in this he all have the herbal cure to it. 1 HIV/AIDS 2 HERPES 3 CANCER 4 ALS 5 HEPATITIS 6 DIABETES 7 LOVE SPELL 8 INFECTIONS 9 HIGN BLOOD PRESSURE,..... THANKS TO DR SUNNYNA FOE THE GOOD WORK IN LIFE YOU BLESS.....
ReplyDeleteGod bless Dr Ebacol for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HERPES since 2018 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the HERPES out of my system,I searched out some possible cure for HERPES i saw a comment about Dr Ebacol, how he cured HERPES,DIABETES,HIV,and CANCER with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 14 days later i was cured from HERPES, Dr Ebacol truly you are great, do you need his help also? Why don’t you contact him through his EMAIL: drebacolherbalhome1@gmail.com call or whatsApp him on +2348159042641
ReplyDeleteI thought my life had nothing to offer anymore because life became meaningless to me because I had Herpes virus, the symptoms became very severe and bold and made my family run from and abandoned me so they won't get infected. I gave up everything, my hope, dreams,vision and job because the doctor told me there's no cure. I consumed so many drugs but they never cured me but hid the symptoms inside me making it worse. I was doing some research online someday when I Came across testimonies of some people of how DR Ebhota Cured them from Herpes, I never believed at first and thought it was a joke but later decided to contact him on the details provided and when I messaged him we talked and he sent me his herbal medicine and told me to go for a test after two weeks. Within 7 days of medication the symptoms disappeared and when I went for a test Lo and behold IT was NEGATIVE by the Doctor Who tested me earlier. Thank you DR Ebhota because I forever owe you my life and I'll keep on telling the world about you. If you are going through the same situation worry no more and contact DR Ebhota viadrebhotasolution@gmail. com or WhatsApp him via +2348089535482.he also special on curing 1. HIV/AIDS 2. HERPES 3. CANCER 4 .ALS 5. HEPATITIS B 6.DIABETES 7. HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS DISEASE(HPV)8. ALZHEIMER 9. LUPUS (Lupus Vulgaris or LupusErythematosus
I am so Happy to be writing this article in here, i am here to explore blogs forum about the wonderful and most safe cure for HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS.I was positive to the Virus called HERPES and i lost hope completely because i was rejected even by my closet friends. i searched online to know and inquire about cure for HERPES and i saw testimony about DR Ebhota online on how he cured so many persons from Herpes Disease so i decided to contact the great herbalist because i know that nature has the power to heal everything. i contacted him to know how he can help me and he told me never to worry that he will help me with the natural herbs from God! after 2 days of contacting him, he told me that the cure has been ready and he sent it to me via FEDEX or DHL and it got to me after 4 days! i used the medicine as he instructed me (MORNING and EVENING) and i was cured! its really like a dream but i'm so happy! that's the reason i decided to also add more comment of Him so that more people can be saved just like me! and if you need his help,contact his Email: (drebhotasoltion@gmail.com) You can contact him on WhatsApp +2348089535482 He also have the herb to cure difference cure for any sickness (1) HERPES,
ReplyDelete(2) DIABETES,
(9) ASTHMA..
I have been battling this Herpes disease for almost 3 year now....I tried all possible means to get cure from my Herpes Disease but all to me in vain until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal doctor DR ISIRAMEN who prepare herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including Herpes Disease, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try...when i contact DR ISIRAMEN via his email drisiramenherbalhome05@gmail.com write him and reply me explain how the process work so after ordering for the medicine I got it within 3/4 working days through DHL Delivery and I took it according to the way DR ISIRAMEN instructed, I was so happy after 2 week I took the medicine there was very big change in my health when I was done with the process I go for test, I found out I am negative...Herpes patients should also get in touch with this herbalist DR ISIRAMEN to get rid of these Herpes Virus forever his whatsapp number +2348054753640
ReplyDeleteGreat post.
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DeleteFirst, I want to complement this page administrator for creating this platform for us to express our feelings. Herpes is a serious and recurring disease which can't be cured through drugs or injections by the American doctors but the best way to deal with herpes is by taking natural herbs medicine from DR. ISHIAKU the greatest herbalist doctor in the world and is only few American doctors that know about this herbal medicine from Dr ISHIAKU .. I have read about Dr ISHIAKU the great herbalist doctor from African who can cure disease with his powerful herbal medicine. for the people suffering from the following diseases, Herpes,HIV/Aids, Cancer, Also, Hepatitis, Diabetes, Hpv, Infections ETC should contact him for his herbal medicine because i am a living testimony and i was cured of herpes. Although, i sent him what he requested and he sent me his medicine through DHL courier delivery company which i took for some days and today when i went for test, i was tested herpes negative. you can reach him through his email: ishiakuherbalcure@gmail.com WhatsApp him at +2348180828544
ReplyDeleteGreat post! Well Explained.
ReplyDeleteWell, if anyone wants to study internal medicine they have to select the best country & college as well.
Selection of Country - Don't go to the country because of where your relatives or friends already settled. You have to consider the country according to your future career or goals.
College Reputation - Selecting your college plays a vital role in your career because if you study at a reputed college you will get many options for your future.
For those students who want to join the best university of medicine in Canada then they can join All Saints University College of Medicine they provide the best study with Top-level career opportunities.
ReplyDeleteI can’t believe my genital herpes is really cured, oh is by this time last year I start feeling bad about my life, I feel pain everyday of my life am very happy now that am really cured I couldn’t have do this on my own I wish is not God that help me with my helper I was searching the internet about this sickness last 3month when I found about great doctor wealthy, the man that keep his words I write the man email about my problem immediately I get a reply from him asking me to fill a form which I immediately did and send back to him after some mins he reply me that he have work on my cure that I need to provide some materials, which can enable him to work on my cure which I did on the next day of it, after some hours he inform me that he have getting the things needed for the cure and he is about to go on with the curing spell he called me again after 50mins that he is done with the cure that I should check my body and also go for test I cant believe I was negative a big thanks to him am very happy now with my family you can also get your self cured too from this sickness by contacting him through his email: wealthylovespell@gmail.com or whatapp +2348105150446 follow his instagram @wealthylovespell1 He also have a herbal cure for 7 other DISEASES;
Contact him today and you will have a testimony…Good luck!
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I am here to give my testimony about Dr Ebhota who helped me.. i want to inform the public how i was cured from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) by salami, i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on HERPES and i saw comment of people talking about how Dr Ehbota cured them. when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that i took for just 2 weeks and it seriously worked for me, my HERPES result came out negative. I am so happy as i am sharing this testimony. My advice to you all who thinks that there is no cure for herpes that is Not true just contact him and get cure from Dr Ebhota healing herbal cure of all kinds of sickness you may have like
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I'm 40 years old female I tested genital herpes (HSV1-2) positive in 2016. I was having bad outbreaks. EXTREMELY PAINFUL. I have try different kinds of drugs and treatment by the medical doctors all to know was avail. Six months ago I was desperately online searching for a helpful remedies for genital herpes (HSV1-2) cure, which I come across some helpful remedies on how Dr OYAGU have help so many people in curing genital herpes (HSV1-2) with the help of herbal treatment because I too believe there is someone somewhere in the world who can cure herpes completely. At of the past 2 months, however, I've been following his herpes protocol Via oyaguherbalhome@gmail.com or +2348101755322 and it stopped all outbreaks completely! To my greatest surprise I was cured completely by following the protocol of his herbal medicine . Don't be discouraged by the medical doctors. There is a cure for HSV with the help of herbs and roots by a herbalist Dr call Dr OYAGU he is so kind and truthful with his herbal treatment, kindly contact him for more information Via oyaguherbalhome@gmail.com or WhatsApp DR on +2348101755322 or visit his website https://oyaguspellcaster.wixsite.com/oyaguherbalhome you will be lucky as I am today
ReplyDeleteHappiness is all i see now I never thought that I will be cured from HERPES virus again.I have been suffering from a deadly disease (HSV) for the past 4 years now, I had spent a lot of money going from one place to another, hospitals have been my home every day residence. Constant checks up have been my hobby not until this faithful day I was searching through the internet, I saw a testimony on how DR salami helped someone in curing his Herpes Disease disease, quickly I copied his contact which is just to give him a test I spoke to him, he told me that there is no medical hospital that has the cure to herpes disease, i was supprise when i heard that from him, he asked me to do some certain things which I did he told me that he is going to provide the herbal cure to me which he did then he asked me to go for medical checkup after some days after using the herbal cure behold I was free from this herpes disease, he only asked me to post the testimony through the whole world, faithfully am doing it now please BROTHER, SISTER, MOTHER and FATHER he is great a great man, I owe him in return. if you are having a similar problem just contact him on whatsapp Via:( +2347054895756) or email him on Dr.salamiherbalcenter180@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteWebsite:https://drsalamiherbalcent.wixsite.com/doctorsalami HE CAN ALSO CURE DISEASES LIKE
Please share this round so you can also save more souls and Good Luck
I want to give a Testimony on how I got Cured From HPV. four years ago I was Diagnosed with HPV. I was having some outbreaks. I went to see a Doctor and many Blood Tests were done on me. My Doctor told me that there’s no cure for HPV. I felt bad, I went online searching for a possible cure for HPV, I saw a post of Milton Buckler, a herbal doctor called Dr Ovie who cured him from HPV. I contacted him and told him how I’m feeling and he said his herbal medicine can cure me. He sent me the medicine via Ups delivery service and I received the medicine some days after he sent it, i took the medicine as prescribed by him. Before the completion of the medication the symptoms stopped. I went to the Doctor and carried out another blood test, surprisingly I was Negative. I haven’t had any symptoms anymore, you can contact Dr Ovie through his email: ovie.miraclemedicine1@gmail.com ovie.miraclemedicine1@yahoo.com call or whatsApp Dr on this number now +2349056393169 Dr Ovie also have the cure for different types of diseases like1 cancer cure2 lupus cure3 ringing ear4 herpes cure5 warts cure6 hpv cure7 hiv cure8 fibroid cure
ReplyDeleteDr Ishiaku herbal medicine is mighty and genuine,I use Melissa oil
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Great post.
I can't forget how Dr Twaha helped me to restore back my marriage after 2 month of separating with my wife out of quarrel and she left and never return back to me, i did so much to get her back but nothing worked out not until i saw a comment online when someone was testifying of how Dr Twaha helped her to restored back her husband and that was how i contacted him through his email and after writing my issue out he assured me that he will help me to get back with my wife in 15 hours after casting the love spell, and after he did the spell my wife came back home and pleaded that she was very sorry today i am back with my wife and we are both happy and living together again. i know there are many people out there that want's to get their love back please contact Dr, Twaha cause he is the perfect answer to your problem his contact details are; drlregbeyen10000@gmail.com or contact him on Whatasapp +2349038518881 or call him
ReplyDeleteAre you having issues in your relationship, or finding it difficult to have a child of your own or are you the type having any diseases in your body. I will advice you to contact Dr. Abolo of Abolospell@gmail.com . The potency of his spell is so effective and can reunite broken relationship and can also make one get pregnant know matter the situation and not only that, he also has the power to cure all type of diseases within the period of 48hours.. Contact him today and thank me later.
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Hello everyone. Dr. Ehimare. Herbs is a good remedy for herpes Virus , I was a carrier of herpes virus and I saw a testimony on how Dr. Ehimare. cure Herpes Virus, I decided to contact him, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. After he finish he sent me the herbs which i took for 2 weeks before asking me to go for a check up and getting there i could not believe that i was confirmed HSV 2 Negative after the test, Today i am so happy because i'm free from herpes disease with the help of Dr. Ehimare. Thank God now everything is fine, I'm cured by Dr. Ehimare herbal medicine, I'm very thankful to God for making it possible. you can reach him on his email, i strongly recommend him to any one out here looking for a cure.Contact Dr Ehimare via email: Drehimare3@gmail.com call or whatsApp him on+1 (267) 691-1087
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ReplyDeleteI was depressed when the doctor told me that I have been diagnosed with HERPES and HIV disease… I thought about my Family, I know my Family will face a serious problem when I'm gone, I lost hope and I wept all day, but one day I was searching the internet and I found Dr.0sagie contact number. +2347030465649 I called him and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. Thank God, now everything is fine, I'm cured by Dr.obudu herbal medicine, I'm very thankful to Dr.obudu and very happy with my hubby and family. email him on (drosagiesolutiontemple@gmail.com OR DROSAGIESOULTIONTEMPLE@YAHOO.COM ) o or you can also reach him through WhatsApp number+2347030465649 He can also cure so many sickness
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ReplyDeleteI'm here to testify about what DR. OSO did it for me. I have been suffering from (HERPES) disease for the past 5 years and had constant pain,especially inside my body. During the first year, I had faith in God that I would be healed someday. This disease started circulating all over my body and I have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago I came across a testimony of one lady on the internet testifying about a Man called DR. OSO on how he cured her from herpes disease. And she also gave the email address of this man and advised anybody to contact him for help for any kind of sickness that he would be of help. so I emailed him telling him about my (HERPES) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! Well I never believed it, well after all the procedures and remedies given to me by this man a few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as DR. OSO assured me that I will be cured, after some time. I went to my doctor to confirm if I had finally healed Behold, it was TRUE, the test came out negative. So friends my advice is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can contact DR. OSO for help.
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I can proudly say now that I'm completely and permanently free from HSV (Herpes Simplex virus) I recently got in contact with a herbalist who prepared and sent me his herbal meds to drink which works magic on me. I went back for my tests at the lab and the doctor said I'm now negative after having the virus for years and all the obvious symptoms disappear immediately I started drinking the meds. May God continue to bless you Doctor Excel you are indeed a great herbal doctor. Contact Doctor Excel via his website:Excelherbalcure.com or his WhatsApp: +1 509 883 9893
ReplyDeleteHerpes is a serious and recurring disease which can't be cured through drugs or injections by the American doctors but the best way to deal with Herpes is by taking natural herbs medicine for it, I have read about DR ABURO the great herbalist doctor who cure me from herpes with his powerful herbal medicine. I contacted him to know how he can help me and he told me never to worry that he will help me with the natural herbs from God! After 2 days of contacting him, he told me that the cure has been ready and he sent it to me via UPS SPEED POST and it got to me after 3 days! I used the medicine as he instructed me (MORNING and EVENING) and I was cured! it's really like a dream but i am so happy! for the people suffering from the following diseases, Cancer, hypothyroidism, Herpes, COPD, HIV, Arthritis, Hpv, Infections,Liver Disease,, Autoimmune Diseases, Parkinson's disease,,Lupus and more should contact him for his herbal medicine because i am a living testimony and i was cured of herpes and his medicine is legit. I sent him what he requested and he sent me his medicine which I took for 3 good weeks and today am out here with a negative result. When I went for the test I was so happy after going through his medication. you can reach him through his email: doctoraburosolutiontemple@yahoo.com or call whatsapp number:+1 (463) 289‑6725 he will help you out.
ReplyDeleteAnyone diagnosed with HSV-2 needs to be careful not to fall into any of these online traditional-medical doctors who will just take your money and render you empty help. I fell victim several times just Because I was HSV-2 positive. Not until I found Dr. Oyagu who cured me with his natural herbal medicine, and his medicine acted fast without any side effects. Call/WhatsApp doctor Oyagu on his telephone number: +2348101755322 or for more inquiries you can as well contact the doctor on EMAIL: oyaguherbalhome@gmail.com
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Herpes is a serious and recurring disease which cannot be cured through drugs or injections not even surgery by the American doctors and surgeon' but the best way to deal with herpes is by drinking an ancient natural herbal medicine from dr excel the greatest herbal doctor in the world and it's only few American doctors that know about this herbal man and his herbal exploits .. I have read about excel who can cure herpes disease with his herbal medicine so you all should contact him for his herbal medicine because I'm a living testimony because I was cured of herpes. I sent him my address which he requested and he sent me his herbal medicine through DHL delivery which I took for days and today when I went for test I was tested negative. Get to know about this herbal man on his website:: https://excelherbalcure.com