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It's easy to get lost in the chaos of studying/stress and forget to take care of yourself. I know I am very guilty of doing this and this is something I am still working on. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Here is some advice from medical students who are going through it as well:

↠Physician Assistant Student-Lorae, PA-S1: "Aside from trying to exercise and eat healthfully, I attempt to stay healthy by remain in positive. I am a huge believer in mindfulness and the power of your thoughts-and with a constantly busy schedule, I don't have the time or effort to dwell on negativity. By thinking positively, growing from failure, and turning the bad into good, I keep my mind (and my body's physiological response!) in a good place. And in the long run, it makes a big difference"
❉ Instagram:

↠Medical Student: "It's important to help each other out as much as we can. Especially when talking about mental health we are all in the same boat. We are all very stressed and we are wondering if everyone else feels like this or everyone else is doing better than me. But that's not true, everyone in the class is feeling the same. Its very important to talk about mental health and be open and comfortable about it. My best advice is that you are not alone, 100% not alone, so feel free to vent and be open about it!"
❉ Instagram: @prettypinkmedicine

↠Pediatric Oncology Nurse-Maddi, RN: Self-care has always been difficult for me to prioritize, even though I know how important it is! As a nurse, my instinct is to take care of others but often I forget about taking care of myself. When I do manage to make time for self-care, I definitely notice a huge improvement in my attitude, quality of care, and endurance in the workplace. It really comes down to prioritizing my health; exercise, sleeping, eating well, and making time for a social life aren’t easy, but it does make a difference! Probably the most important thing I have learned is to find people who understand the pain and challenges I face as a pediatric oncology nurse, in order to fully process my experiences and avoid compassion fatigue.

↠ Here are a few ways that you can make sure to take time to take care of Y O U:
  • Physical Self-Care
    • Exercise: I am a big fan of yoga, weightlifting, hiking, and running. Yoga helps me reduce anxiety and stress and focus on being in the present. This can be so difficult with school and work. I've been working on setting a time each day dedicated to exercise. I also love youtube yoga videos which you can do in your own home!*
    • Healthy eating: give your body fuel by the foods you eat! Especially when it comes to studying for finals, it is easy to reach out for the finger junk personal favorite, Oreos. Try to find healthier options to munch on to fuel your body and your brain! Here are some of my favorite snack ideas:
      • Oatmeal with a scoop of Vital Proteins**
      • Banana with almond butter 
      • Energy balls-Pinterest has a ton of great recipes!***
      • Carrots and hummus 
    • Do what makes your body feel good!
      • For me, this can be getting up to walk around and stretch my body or engaging in exercise. Sleep is also very important for me to have a healthy mind and body. 
  • Emotional Self-Care
    • Don't hold back how your feeling, talk to somebody! Ever have that moment where you just bottle up everything over a period of time then release it all in one big cry? Yeah, me too. Find a friend or family member to talk about these things to so that you can better handle your emotions when the going gets even crazier. 
    • A support system is key. I am so incredibly thankful for the support system that I have. They are so important to my success because they give me a shoulder to lean on, daily motivation, and most importantly, keep me sane. 
  • Personal Self-Care
    • Spend some time alone: I am a big fan of journals...when I make time for myself. It is a great way to write down some lingering thoughts and get your feelings/emotions out. I also LOVE coffee shops. Coffee shops are a place where I can go and think whether I am studying, writing a blog post, or just enjoying the day. Coffee shops are my favorite
    • Do the things you love
    • Find a hobby to pull yourself away from studying for a little bit-I LOVE TO BAKE. 
  • Social Self-Care
    • Friendships/Family: I am a big advocate of the quote "there is always room for coffee with a friend". I try to make time in my week to either grab a coffee or a drink with someone close to me or a new friend. I used to be really bad about calling my family when we lived in different states, but I am learning new ways to fit a conversation in such as when I am driving from place to place or in between classes/during lunch breaks. 
  • Spiritual Self-Care
    • Bible: this is something I can greatly improve on. I have been attempting to read a chapter in the Bible each morning to make sure I am spiritually taking care of myself and my relationship with God. Whether you are religious or not, I think it is so great to spiritually engage with your body. Yoga and meditation are great ways to do this! 
  • Practical Self-Care
    • Take care of your surroundings! For me, a clean room, house, or any surrounding can help me clear my head of distraction and scattered thoughts and allow me to feel less stressed on what I am focusing on. 

*Youtube: Yoga with Adriene


**Energy balls recipe:
1 cup of rolled oats
1/2 cup almond butter (or peanut butter, cashew butter, sunflower butter)
1/2 cup chocolate chips (I prefer dark chocolate)
1/3 cup raw honey
1/4 cup flax seeds
1 tbsp chia seeds
1tsp vanilla extract
2/3 cup coconut flakes (optional)
Just mix all ingredients in a bowl, roll them into balls and freeze for one hour!


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